Monday, October 5, 2009

Secret Keeper Girl Shopping Trip

We had such a wonderful time! Each girl had Appr. $50.00 to spend at Catos Clothing Store. They had some very cute clothes there too! Julie picked out a long dressy type shirt with black capris to wear under it, a pair of black dress shoes and a pink short sleeve hooded sweatshirt. She learned what it is to dress modestly. I am very proud of her for the clothing she chose! I really enjoyed shopping with her and that is saying a whole lot as I HATE clothes shopping! LOl She is such a joy to be with. It feels as though I am shopping with my best buddy instead of my 10 year old daughter. I love her so much! I am sad that SKG will be ending soon.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Fun !!!!!!

Guess what???? We ended up going swimming again!! It was so hot today! We stayed for an hour and that was long enough for me. Julie, Luke and Lauren swim like fish! Layla just stays around the edges. Oh Well. She did let me carry her around a little though. Anyway, other than enjoying the pool and what housework I did get done that pretty much was our day. Tomorrow is another fun day......we have Malachi!! Yeah!! He is such a wonderful baby....I love having him around. Will try to post more tomorrow and maybe with some pictures.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Enjoying the summer

I could really get used to these summer days! We went to the pool this afternoon and then again this evening. I guess you could say we got a little sun. Tomorrow we won't get to swim....housework is calling my name! Also,the kids I babysit will be here at 12:00 so I will have a house full the rest of the day! My life is never boring.

It is 10:44 P.M. and Shelby & Julie are making some chicken & veggies for us to eat. We already ate dinner BUT swimming will make a person SOOO hungry!! Well, that pretty much was our day. We enjoyed just being with one another. Simple and Pleasant! Isn't life Wonderful.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dentist Adventure last Thursday

Jamie and Shelby went to the dentist to get their crowns. The girls were excited to finally get them! We went to visit my mom afterwards to see her new house and it is so beautiful! We will need to visit her often. haha On the way home we stopped to get ice cream so I have put some pictures of that. Layla had it all over her face!!!! We won't tell you what we used to wipe her face but we all had a good laugh! It did the job though. These little trips are usually full of adventure for us! We make them fun! I just love being with my girls!

A very peaceful day....most of it anyway

Julie completed her assignments on Time4learning before lunchtime. After we picked Layla up from pre-k the girls road their bikes for a little while and colored. Layla took a nap for a couple hours while Julie messed around on the computer for a bit. The day pretty much was just schoolwork and housework. Sometimes I just need a day where it is relaxed and quiet for the most part. Tomorrow the girls are going to use the Easy Bake Oven and make me something sweet to eat! Yum!!!! Well, this pretty much sums up our day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

Prom 2009'

The girls about drove me CRAZY with all the prom prep but they sure are BEAUTIFUL!!!!! The guys looked so handsome too!! I am happy they had the opportunity to go.

Fun in the sun with my buddy

Here Julie is with her very best friend, Annalise, playing on the slip n' slide. Shelby tried to get one of her face. Maybe next time!

Pictures of my Beautiful Girls

These are some pictures of my wonderful teenage daughters' ! They are so beautiful and I am very proud of them!

Secret Keeper Girl

Julie had her 2nd Secret Keeper get together last night. She really enjoys this time that she gets with her buddies and me! I am so grateful for our quality time together as we don't get this as much as I would like. Anyway, let me tell you a little about our get together. She learned about how to properly take care of her skin and apply a little foundation/powder. She learned how God made us unique and special! Freckles , red curly hair and all! Lol Julie is growing into such a beautiful young lady! She is such a joy to be with.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Five in a Row

Right now Julie is reading the Boxcar Children Book 1 and loving it! We will be doing a notebook to go along with this. One of the things we have talked about is the Basic Food Groups and calories. There are some activities we will do in the next few days so I will be posting about these. Well, that is it for now. have a blessed day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just chillin

Just chillin and enjoying our morning or afternoon you might say. Yes, we slept late but we stayed up very late! Sometimes the best learning takes place in the night hours. Since when does learning need to be between the hours of 8:00 A.M and 3:00 P.M??? There are some people that have worked nights for years and they are not stupid. Well, I will get off my soap box. Anyway, Julie and Layla went for a bike ride and are now eating a lunch of fishsticks. Yum! Yum! After Layla eats lunch she will take a nap. The life of a 5 year old!!! Julie will get on Time4learning provided it is up and running. If not, she will do penmanship, some math pages I have printed out and read her book. She really likes the Boxcar Children series. It is amazing how much a child can learn from reading a children's book. Well, that pretty much will be our day besides washing clothes and regular household chores. We have church at 7:00 tonight and I have nursery so that will end our wonderful and blessed day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Julie completed 4 pages of math today. This is her favorite subject! I let her weigh things in the store, measure things, and so forth. I give her money, usually in change, and let her buy things so she has to count it to the clerk. I know they hate us sometimes! She also completed a page in her language arts book, penmanship lesson and read her book. All in all, we had a pretty good day.

I love spending time with my children!!!!

Spring days!!!!

It is so beautiful outside! The a/c is off and sliding door open and loving the fresh air! Julie just went for a bike ride. I know we need to work on schoolwork but it can wait a little while. I can just call it Physical Education. Lol As long as she is gettin the 3 R's I try not to worry. Life is too short to NOT enjoy every moment.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy 16th birthday Shelby Rae Wild!!!!! 5/13/1993

Slow moving

I am slow moving today! I could not sleep last night! I hate that so much because I will be dragging this afternoon. OH well! Julie has completed 4 pages in her math and road her bike for a while. We will hopefully get to the other subjects later. She really needs to work on her language arts. I am trying to make a blog for her.......................I hope I get it done. That will be wonderful for her writing skills, just don't tell her though. haha

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our Sunday

Today was a very relaxed day! We attended church this morning and the service was awesome! God was really doing a work in everyone. After that, we came home and ate lunch. I took a nap with hubby and Julie played on the computer. I think she knows more about the computer than me! This evening we went back to church as John and I had a marriage class we are attending for the next 6 weeks. You would think after 22 years of marriage we would know everything. haha Well, that pretty much was our day! Tomorrow Julie and I will start logging her schooling adventures. Yeah!