Saturday, April 3, 2010


Jamie came over and did my toes for me today.......aren't they pretty?????? Now that it is summer I will need to do this alot more often! I have such a WONDERFUL daughter !!! Love you Jay!

My little Monkey Munch...

The kids love this!!!!! It will be gone within a couple days! We got the recipe from watching Jon and Kate plus Eight.........have to give my little monkeys a snack once in while! haha

Friday, April 2, 2010

Friends hanging out watching a movie..

I love the fact that the girls are comfortable enough to have their friends over to watch movies and just hang out. They are laughing and having a great time ! I am on the computer just trying to give them space and stay awake! haha

Easter egg coloring

The kids bugged me all morning to color their eggs......drove me crazy cuz all I wanted to do was get a shower first! Well, after they played outside for a while I gave hair can wait. Lol They had a blast! They were so polite to one another and took turns dipping the eggs. Where did these kids come from?????? Lauren got all done decorating hers and then gave them to the other kids. She said she doesn't want to eat them. Oh well, she enjoyed herself.

Shelby even got in on the decorating. She would not turn around so I could take her pic though! She didn't have her make-up on! Really!!! Today was so much fun! I love these kids!

The Wilderness Family....

The kids had a BLAST playing outside today! They said they were playing ," The Wilderness Family." They watched the movie once and loved it! They really know how to use their imaginations.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The only one still awake....

Julie is the only one still going strong after the Easter Special practice tonight....the other kids could hardly hold their eyes open. Of course, Julie got up about 9:00 today and the kids got up at 6:30. Anyway, she is scanning the channels trying to find Hannah Montana! Between her and Lauren I cannot get away from that girl. Lol


The kids are exhausted!!! They have an Easter Special they are doing on Sunday. They are soooooo excited!!!! I am too! They all look so cute and did such a wonderful job at all the practices. I am soooo proud of them!!! They practiced for 3 hours tonight!! We fed them pb&j, bananas and punch . We also played some games . They had such a GREAT time! Good job guys! By the way, they are WILD sleepers too!!!! I have to go in a couple times a night and cover them again so they don't wake up cold.

Luke is off in his own world......

Luke is just tuning everyone out and playing the Nintendo DS. He sure is concentrating because I had to ask him several times to go sit in the computer chair so I could get the table ready for dinner! Sometimes it is nice to just forget about the days events....children are no different than us adults .
They are all happy right now .........that makes me smile!

I think she is tired..........

Lauren didn't want to hang with the girls outside so she vegged out on the loveseat sucking that very tasteful thumb and watched Hannah Montana...Yah! That show drives me CRAZY!!! I sat with her for a few minutes and she cuddled with me but I
had to get dinner on. .............

My singers and dancers......

Layla and Julie decided they wanted to be singers, models and dancers so they set up these little stages. It was really cute to watch! They had a boom box .....listening to KSBJ and a CD of Mary Mary. They will be famous one day I am sure!!!!!! These 2 can put a smile on your face anytime of the day! They light up our world that's for sure.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Kids playing Nintendo Ds

You could hear a pin drop right now! Lauren's favorite spot is on the floor......she doesn't care that I have to step over her constantly! haha

What a beautiful day it is.........

Woke up this morning to sunshine!!!! It is so beautiful outside! We did some housework, dropped Jennifer off at Health Food Cottage and Shelby at Pizza Hut. Jamie came over to take a shower and just talk about anything and everything going on in her life. I miss her so much!!! Julie and I then had to leave for her doctor appointment as she has another sore throat/fever! This is really getting to her. Well, we got the wonderful news that she has a relapse of MONO! I purchased some vitamins to give her too. The doctor said there is a chance she might need her tonsils out. FUN! FUN! Anyway........we had soup and grilled cheese for dinner. The kids played chase outside for a little while and now they are playing their Nintendo DS at the kitchen table. I am posting a picture for all to see. After that, they will all take a bath and go to sleep in their nice warm beds. I really love these kids. They are such a blessing!!!!!