Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mom and Jamie

My VERY best friends!!! I could not live without them! Well, I could but I would be soooooo sad! Aren't they both so beautiful????

Secret keeper Girl Tea Party

This is Julie and I when we did The Secret Keeper Girl Tea Party! It was so much fun and we really enjoyed the quality time together.

Learning to make Bows!

Shopping trip to Lake Jackson!!!

The girls took a day long trip to Lake Jackson and as you can see by the smiling faces they had a BLAST!!! Also...these are their new shirts. Our car broke down the night before so this trip would not have been possible without their little " Angel". Thank you so much Jackie!


This was their first bow! Very pretty girls!


I sure do miss you Crystal! I miss your beautiful smile and wonderful sense of humor. You always brightened a room when you walked into it! Your beauty lives on in all of your precious children.


The kids took some containers and caught tree frogs. Well, tried to anyway. Lol They actually had about 5 of them and they were jumping everywhere!!!

more pics

Just some pics...