Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Fun !!!!!!

Guess what???? We ended up going swimming again!! It was so hot today! We stayed for an hour and that was long enough for me. Julie, Luke and Lauren swim like fish! Layla just stays around the edges. Oh Well. She did let me carry her around a little though. Anyway, other than enjoying the pool and what housework I did get done that pretty much was our day. Tomorrow is another fun day......we have Malachi!! Yeah!! He is such a wonderful baby....I love having him around. Will try to post more tomorrow and maybe with some pictures.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Enjoying the summer

I could really get used to these summer days! We went to the pool this afternoon and then again this evening. I guess you could say we got a little sun. Tomorrow we won't get to swim....housework is calling my name! Also,the kids I babysit will be here at 12:00 so I will have a house full the rest of the day! My life is never boring.

It is 10:44 P.M. and Shelby & Julie are making some chicken & veggies for us to eat. We already ate dinner BUT swimming will make a person SOOO hungry!! Well, that pretty much was our day. We enjoyed just being with one another. Simple and Pleasant! Isn't life Wonderful.